Civil view Settings (Drainage and utilities) in Personal Preference
Have the Civil preference for drainage and utilities as file setting rather than personal preference. There are times we had to change the settings depends on what we are designing. eg. we want to show connecting conduit if we do drainage, not whe...
Many times, we have conduits/pipes that simply daylight a surface and drain on to the ground or into a pond. Please add the ability to place conduit/pipes "Without" the need of a Node. I understand that we can create a sort of null point/node that...
ORD Drainage - new properties for gutter spread/depth at edge of grate (not center)
Ohio DOT likes to see the spread and depth at the edge of the grate. Currently the software reports on the spread and depth at the start and end of the gutter. Would like additional properties to also report the spread and depth at the edge of the...
Add support for slope manipulator in profile when the "Use Construction Length and Slop" Preference = True
when the "Use Construction Length and Slope" Preference = True", in the profile view the slopes can not be edited. c If the "Use Construction Length and Slope" Preference is set to False, We can edit the slope value directly in the profile. Please...
The name of the nodes are defined at placement by the selected Feature Definition. It's common for it to be changed during the design process. For these cases, all altered nodes must be manually renamed. This usually is done through selection or u...
DU conduits external wall controled by Feature Symbology
We have the option to define a template to pipes external walls, but only through the feature definition. For all other elements of the pipe, OR allows for feature symbology. From my experience, symbologys work better and are more constant.
Separate 3D line and 3D object for pipes to different levels.
In Drainage & Utilities, the 3D line and the 3D object for a pipes(conduit/link) is placed on same level. It would be great to have them on different levels - also because it can be a demand from from clients in Denmark, that the line is place...
Automatically adjust structure Hight to include pipe thickness
it would be more accurate to calculate the structure Height if when a pipe is connected to a structure that the bottom base slab was adjusted to be below the wall of the pipe. this would also make the 3D model look better.
For large projects, we need the ability to have multiple engineers working on the hydraulic model. We can achieve this by splitting the pipe network into multiple files and creating catchments in separate files. Doing so causes us to lose the abil...
When starting a DU, OpenRoads creates a whole DU project inside the file and brings a lot of hidroly/hidraulic properties with it. That's fine if the goal is to run an analysis. But what if I just want to model a whole network and never run it? Di...