It is usual request to annotate 3D features on cross sections. At point or in frame. It does work when feature is 2D+3D but not if feature is 3D only. That is commong with existing ground and more and more with modelling using linear features (wit...
There is no means to bulk edit Labeler Definitions. For example, if the Element Templates are moved or renamed then every single label has to be manually opened and a new element template then must be selected. This is very time consuming.
Hi would be very helpful to get a lift vrs Slew report at set chainages along an alignment. This would help the designer see if they are designing enough lift in the track to achieve the slews, without going to the drawing production stage
Update Migration tools to latest version to support the "Low Voltage Assets"
Please update Migration tools to support the new features in OpneRail Designer. This to support Bulk editing for "the new Low Voltage" Feature settings to add our own library.
I noticed that template ranges can overlap and there is no obvious indication that this is occurring. Ideally over lapping station ranges should highlight in red to draw attention to it.
in Drainage and Utilities, remove the Maximum Spread (global for the dgn file) and make it editable for each individual node. Roadways have lots of different gutters etc so I don't want a max spread for the whole file, I want individually.
Users who can't access the Software Downloads page cannot see the combined version/release numbers of available software packages. They can only see the release numbers on the product documentation pages, but cannot see the associated version numb...