U.S. surveyors traditionally work in Northing & Easting, in that order. When working with Microstation V8i, AND with Inroads loaded, the user could perform precision drafting by using the “NE= “ key-in to enter the exact northing/easting coord...
The name of the nodes are defined at placement by the selected Feature Definition. It's common for it to be changed during the design process. For these cases, all altered nodes must be manually renamed. This usually is done through selection or u...
Either add ability for multiple users to be in the same ITL and save the information. At the moment we run a separate ITL for segments of a project which leads to slight differences to similar items. It is cumbersome to use the template library or...
Productivity enhancements to Corridor Objects dialog
There are currently some things needed to be added to the Corridor Object dialog to help communicate design intent a bit better to users (especially with Parametric Constraints): The lack of information as to the rules linked to Parametric Constra...
Support use of cell definitions for sleeper placements. Long sleeper sets placed at turnout locations, have variable width so these will still be using existing box shaped sleepers but normal sleepers will be using the cell based definitions. This...
Ability to switch the priority of other end conditions within the end condition editor as an override.
Currently there is no way to use end condition exceptions and as an override switch between other end conditions within a certain station range. A simple addition to the override feature where you could temporarily change the priorities of the end...
Geometry manipulator handles on offsets do not overlap with manipulator text with zero offset
Currently when offsetting elements, different manipulator handles appear, however unless you go into the preferences and changes the arrow manipulator size, it is very difficult or impossible to select the trim/extend manipulator handle because it...
Geometry>Standards>Set Element Information This tool seems to lend itself to recording and reviewing an alignment layout and design process and having it live in the dgn file vs an auxillary notepad or spreadsheet. As the design progresses i...
Re-word the Upgrade dialog to include that the file will also be 'aligned' to the product.
There are several ways a file can be opened though local access, networking, and ProjectWise. There is very minimal documentation available to explain to users the difference between Upgrading and Aligning a file. Not to mention how, when, and why...
Developing turnouts in the new software can be quite cumbersome. If there was a wizard that allowed users to input known common pieces of geometry in a more descriptive and graphical fashion, it would help significantly. When geometry elements are...