For example I create a template for a given track section, and then copy this and update the point names for the next track. For this I need to go through each point and change just one aspect of the point name. Given itl files are just a text doc...
Feature Defintions (Window) - a proposal for improving this function
Feature Definition Toolbar
A proposal for improving/expanding this feature
Choosing Feature Definitions is a frequently used feature in OpenRoads Designer. Especially in urban projects, switching between pavement types, curbs, placing signs, ...
The Regression Tool need to be able to use or at least tie to Survey points.
The Regression Tool need to be able to use or at least tie to Survey points. I should be able to use Survey points in a DGN and in a reference. I need to have the survey points that are used in the regression appear in the regression report so tha...
Need the ability set a component as a mesh or solid within the component properties in the template library. All components are current meshes which do not allow downstream consumption with certain software. The ability to toggle a barrier to be a...
I imagine the interface would look similar to the template library, including the ability to turn off all point names, if desired. I'd still keep the head's up info when hovering on a point.
If ditches do become channel features, KYTC would need channels to then be able to attach to other node types besides headwalls since we have many conditions and locations where they outlet into inlets of various types.
Flood Volumes - Surface analysis between three surfaces
It would be beneficial to have the ability to specify surface math logic - Above Existing, Below Proposed, and Below "Floodplain" (variable plane) to get good floodplain volumes.
Currently Survey Media files can only be viewed in the dgn file with the fieldbook. Can we get an enhancement to view photos when the survey fieldbook file is referenced to another file.