Restrict limits of unsuitable removal to only within grading limits
See this thread from the Bentley OpenRoads Community:
Rapid Station-to-Station Advancement in Dynamic Cross Sections - ORD
InRoads SS2 roadway designer provided the function to click and hold the "next station" button to rapidly pan and fast forward through the corridor. OpenRoads Dynamic Cross Sections requires you to click and advance one station at a time which is ...
Allow drainage nodes to show up as a cell (catch basin, headwall, end section) in profile view.
Drainage nodes show up in 2D as the cell/feature definition it is designated like an end section. It would be useful if that same feature would show up in the profile view for drainage profiles. It currently works for the "utilities" part of "Drai...
It's difficult to see which geometry elements are connected or ruled via persist snaps in the element profile. Add profile dynamic annotation and elevation dynamic fields to plan view. Add profile persist snap glyphs in plan view to show the conne...
End condition override tool allows edits to part of the template for a selected station range in plan view, but the tool only works with end condition components. Update the tool to allow overriding any component or part of the template.
Rename Template Points and Components - Find and Replace Names & add prefix- suffix
Please and the follow template tools. Find and Replace point and component names in a single template or multiple templates. Bulk add prefix and suffix text to all point and component names in a single template or multiple templates. Find and Repl...
We need a better way to control activation of the Persist Snaps functionality. Currently the Persist Snaps is always turned on by default when ORD is launched and also when switching to a different dgn. Persist Snaps is a very important functional...