Add ability for Overlay/Stripping Top to follow the lowest between component and terrain.
We often need to provide volumes of additional excavation for substandard subgrade material to a certain depth. The easiest way to get this is through the Milling and Stripping functionality. You set the bottom of the component thickness and have ...
In civil labeler and the place text tools, it would be useful to have a "Background" toggle option for text. Right now, if we want text to have a background, we have to set it in the text style. Since there are varying situations where we want or ...
You can name an element if drawn 1 at a time with tangents and arcs. But if you use Complex by PI you can't go back and name your elements to make it easier to report on your geometry.
There needs to be a Dimension Tool for adding/seeing dimensions that are not already present on the outside dimensions. Example - Standard Highway Sign Guide (2012) - D2-2 - Spacing for L currently cannot be shown in the program.
I imagine the interface would look similar to the template library, including the ability to turn off all point names, if desired. I'd still keep the head's up info when hovering on a point.
Would be beneficial to be to add overlaps to profile named boundaries so they match the plan sheets. Would like for this to be an automated option when creating profile named boundaries based from the Plan sheet named boundaries.
Need the ability set a component as a mesh or solid within the component properties in the template library. All components are current meshes which do not allow downstream consumption with certain software. The ability to toggle a barrier to be a...
Bevel vertical face of stiffeners/connection plates at web
When the connection plates or stiffeners are placed, they are appearing half-embedded into the web with an equivalent gap on the opposing edge. For it to actually be correct, the plates should be beveled to match the vertical face of the web.
When starting a DU, OpenRoads creates a whole DU project inside the file and brings a lot of hidroly/hidraulic properties with it. That's fine if the goal is to run an analysis. But what if I just want to model a whole network and never run it? Di...