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Allow member groups to start and stop at the same support line in LBS

We are modeling a complex bridge in LBS and the bridge is flared. The flare has required the addition of shorter beams that are not full length to keep the beam spacing on the flared end reasonable. Currently LBS does not allow more than one beam ...
over 1 year ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Bridge centerline

It will be very helpful if OBM can project the deck centerline along the length of the bridge.
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Profiles and Sections with no sheets

I am going back to the SS2 versions. I would like to see an option to produce 1 profile for the entire alignment. Give it the station range and produce the profile in Microstation with an option to annotate The same for Cross-Sections. Station Ran...
over 2 years ago in Drawing Production / Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Already exists

More options when creating custom diagrammatic arrows

Description: While SignCAD currently supports the creation of diagrammatic arrows with two arrows, there is a growing need for more complex arrow configurations. Users often require diagrammatic arrows with three or more arrows for detailed traffi...
10 months ago in OpenRoads SignCAD / Signs 0 Future consideration

Bring back Active Chain Control or Similar Tool

In GeoPak, the Active Chain Control tool was very useful for selecting a particular chain or alignment and having the location information (station, offset, etc.) be display in a dialogue box. The location information would live track with the loc...
10 months ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 6 Already exists

Graphically edit the profile by variable slope

It would be good to have the option to drag the start and end stations of the profile by variable slope from element in the profile window. Similarly as the partial offset tool in plan. At the moment the user needs to update values in the properti...
10 months ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Retain item type on 3D cells exported from Points Feature Definition

If there is an item type attached to a Point Feature Definition, it is not retained when the Point is exported as a standard 3D MicroStation cell. The metadata is only retained to the 2d element, not the 3d. In the case of a mesh (from a component...
10 months ago in Item Types / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Flextable Export to Different Custom Excel Styles

Currently, Flextable can only export to csv with all colums. To make as proper report, user need to manually copy/paste the data. If the Flextable or software can export those nodes, conduits and hydrailuc properties, computation results to select...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Already exists

SignCAD - Option to Rotate/Mirror Graphics

In previous SignCAD versions, we could rotate or mirror graphics. That is not longer possible. This makes it much more difficult to create custom signs. We have to hunt for a standard graphic that is available or create a new one. This recently ha...
over 1 year ago in OpenRoads SignCAD 0 Planned

Numerical display for applied cant

Recommended that a when using the cross-section tool to view the applied cant along the alignment, the tool displays the cant as numerical value on the cross-section. The number should be generated automatically and displayed next the chainage...
over 1 year ago in CANT / OpenRail Designer 0 Future consideration