Allow user to define width of superelevation section graphic.
Currently, the graphic representing the superelevation section is hard coded to use the radius of the smallest curve in the alignment. If the radius of the smallest curve is 50 meters or more, the section width is hard-coded to 50 meters.
If t...
Automatically calculate values when inputting into property fields
When inputting numbers into property fields, ORD can automatically calculate them for you. Example: Survey field team shoots the top of casting elevation of a manhole at 500ft, then shoots again for a bottom invert of the manhole but only leaves a...
When stepping through model builder there is an option to set the units that are to be used in the design file; however, when the property is set in the field mappings, it does not automatically default to what was selected on a previous screen. T...
There needs to be an option to import utilities from LandXML with the option to specify the import units. I have sewer information from a utility in LandXML format, but the units need to be set to US Survey Feet. Using the import from LandXML clas...
In current version we do not have flexibility to change height/depth of a node from default 5.25 feet. At times we need lesser deep Nodes which does not require more than 1 or 2 feet of cover from soffit of conduit.
When creating multiple sheets the files are created with no application assigned. This forces users to manually assign the application and when creating a large plan set this is a lot of extra work.
Placement Point for design and baseline Station/offset
The optimal placement point for design of drainage nodes not always the preferred callout point for construction. The request is to be able to have an additional "Construction" layout point to get station and offset reports that are different than...
In profile view, the top of Transition Node is tied with group elevation; and bottom elevation meet the pipe. Any chances to make the only “Transition Node” showing as “point” or “line” only in Profile? J ust only one point in the invert? Setting ...