There are often points in a template that should belong to multiple surfaces. For instance, we have a point in our rural templates that is part of the top mesh and should also belong to our aggregate shoulder alternate surface and our subgrade sur...
The feature name (e.g. a number) of the tap node can be labeled in the plan.The tap is visible in the "Engineering Profile".It would be helpful if this could also be displayed and labeled in the profile view/drawing. How it should work: Tap Node i...
I need a closed linear survey element to populate the area in the element information. I'm wanting to create a civil label that will place the area of a closed shape. As far as I can tell, this will work except with survey elements.
Allow superelevation lanes to follow a separate control line
In the old Geopak we could create superelevation shapes to follow a profile grade line (we called this a "PGL Chain". In locations where the lanes transition offset, this helped us to see that the lanes transitioned offset while still following st...
In the first versions of OpenRoads we had the tool "Create Geometry by Template" which would create ruled geometry from a template . Fast way to for lay out geometry for a project. Not sure why it went away.
Enhance Design Standards to flag gaps in Geometry & apply to Feature Definitions
Additional functionality is needed for Design Standards to be fully functional for project delivery. Some additional thins include: Allow Design Standards to be optionally assigned to Alignment Feature Definitions so Alignments are created with th...
Need a Terrain report in ORD having Root Mean Square Error in it same as the report by the "compare point to tin" tool in GEOPAK
User is wants the terrian report from native Geopak which gives Root Mean Square Error to be added to ORD. In Geopak there was a tool "compare point to tin" tool that provided a report. This report would provide the "Root Mean Square Error". In OR...
Please fix the Standards in OpenRoads Designer Connect Edition to not copy to the individual dgn files in the project.
On very large projects with hundreds of people working on the project and you need to change a standard you should not have to go thru all of the dgns in the project to update or purge old standards. Most of the time the standards evolve as the pr...
We need the ability to label the start and stop stations of a profile drawing model after the model is created.
Currently, the start and stop station text favorite values only exist at creation and are persisted to the drawing model. Therefore, they are not available after the drawing models are created.