File branding by Product is problematic for Organizations where multiple software solution are deployed like OpenSite, OpenRoads, OpenRail and OpenBridge. The schema(s) within the file should be analyzed at file open rather than the last authoring...
It would be helpful to have a process corridor button in the corridor objects dialog. That way a user could remove rules, make edits to templates, point controls and parametric constraints then turn the rules back on and reprocess.
Many times, we have conduits/pipes that simply daylight a surface and drain on to the ground or into a pond. Please add the ability to place conduit/pipes "Without" the need of a Node. I understand that we can create a sort of null point/node that...
Ability to Delete specific Annotation group instance instead of all instances
Currently users need to remove all annotation per drawing or in all drawings with no control. An additional "Delete Drawing Annotation" with the same options as the annotate drawings one but with an additional "All Drawing Annotation Groups" optio...
Need ability to toggle slope percentage annotations above/below the flow arrows on terrains. This will help with design and analysis. An option could be added in the flow arrow properties, please refer to the attached snapshot.
Currently 3D elements that are curved are rendered with a series of line segments. While this might be okay for some applications, it makes the 3D model very unhelpful for plans production (i.e. you cannot dimension radii of curves). We need the c...
Allow the road slope to exceed the gutter cross slope
My state agency commonly uses gutters with a 4% cross slope. The maximum superelevation rate is 7%. The gutter slope stays at 4% in this situation. Spread does not compute in this scenario because "A depressed gutter must have a Gutter Cross Slope...
Product Alignment of file vs File Schema - Need better compatibility between platform products in the same generation/schema
Please update the OpenX product(s) so that any DGN can be opened for editing no matter what product authored the file as long as it remains in the same Major schema version Suggest any DGN can be opened by any product (Site/Rail/Road/Bridge) regar...
Ability to insert field for sheet sequence number within sheet index folder
We have fields under the model properties for overall sequence number and total sheets in a sheet index folder, but not the ability to use the sequence number within the same sheet index folder, even though the sheet index knows this information a...
It would be nice to have the ability to reattach civil labels to a new element or terrain. A good example is for jointing/geometric sheets with a lot of spot elevations. Fairly often a new terrain is created and the spots break and need to be repl...