Ability to customize Slopes between points symbology and ruled
When labeling site pavements slopes, the tool only allows for a pre-defined symbology (slope=X.XX% ->) and it`s a simple text.We use a different symbology, basically a arrow cell and a text between the two points.The abillity to customize the l...
It would be beneficial to project multiple profiles that are parallel to each other in one profile grid. For instance, one for Left front face of a curb, another for Construction Centerline, and another for Right front face of curb.
Enable the “Zoom” feature within the Survey Field Book
Within the Survey Field Book of ORD, the right-click context menu offers a “Zoom” option. This should, I presume, fit all the selected survey features into view. It doesn’t work but would be very useful if it did. (Please see the attached image)
New Variable to Control XSEC View Exaggeration Separate from Profile View Exaggeration
Consider adding a set of variables to control XSEC view exaggeration and default exaggeration separate from profile view exaggeration. This would be similar to how there is a separate set of variables for super exaggeration. Suggested variables wo...
Ability to lock Parametric Constraint Start/End to XY or Stations
There are many different situations where users may want Parametric Constraints to be locked to specific stations or XY locations. An additional column in Corridor objects with this option would be very valuable for users to identify and control d...
For large projects, we need the ability to have multiple engineers working on the hydraulic model. We can achieve this by splitting the pipe network into multiple files and creating catchments in separate files. Doing so causes us to lose the abil...
Regression: add a "Remove regression points" command both for H and V regression line
We can add points to regression line but we can't remove points from regression line.We can ignore but it is not good management especially if you added a wrong point to the regression line that must be added to another regression line. Because th...
It would be useful to have the ability to annotate only part of the horizontal alignment. There are situations where we need to have several different annotation groups along the alignment.